
An A+ opportunity to fund your college education!

If your high school was a Missouri A+ school, you're in luck! 你可以得到上千 正规买球app排行学费.


A+项目将支付你的学费(最高每学分215美元)到任何密苏里州 public community college, vocational or technical school.

为了有资格获得这项福利,你必须注册全日制(12个或更多学分) per semester) within 48 months after graduation from high school.

Students providing service to any branch of the U.S. 武装部队可以推迟他们的 超过48个月的资格,如果他们回到全日制学生身份 12 months of the end of their military service.

福利由密苏里州在联邦或州补助后支付 which you are eligible is applied. 你可能 use your A+ until you have completed 105 你目前就读的课程所需学时*的百分比 or you complete a degree or certificate, whichever occurs first.

* Equal to 3 credit hours beyond the required hour for the degree or certificate.

105% 包括 以下几点:

  • 所有时间,包括发展/补救时间,以学生目前的情况 机构.
  • 所有已知学时,包括发展/补救学时,在任何其他A+合格 机构.
  • 在任何不合格的A+院校(包括州外院校)学习的学时, that the student's current 机构 accepts in transfer.

105% 不包括 以下几点:

  • 小时 earned for work completed before high school graduation, including (but not 限):双学分、双招生、技校衔接、高级 placement, International Baccalaureate.
  • 非参与院校的学时不被参与院校接受转学 机构.

这些福利由密苏里州在联邦或州拨款后支付 for which you are eligible is applied.

学费(最高每学时215美元)优惠如有更改,恕不另行通知. You are responsible for books and individual course fees.

If you have met these requirements

  • A U.S. citizen, eligible non-citizen or lawfully present in the U.S.
  • Entered into a written agreement with the high school prior to graduation.
  • 毕业前连续三年就读于密苏里a +高中.
  • Graduated with an overall grade point average of 2.5或更高的4.0规模.
  • Have at least a 95% attendance record overall for grades 9-12.
  • Performed at least 50 hours of unpaid tutoring or mentoring, of which up to 25% may include job shadowing.
  • 保持良好的公民记录,避免非法使用药物和/或 酒精.
  • 从2015年高中毕业班开始,取得了精通的成绩 或高级代数I课程结束考试或更高水平的DESE认可的课程结束考试 exam in the field of mathematics.

The scholarship will reimburse the unpaid balance of tuition (maximum of $215 per (学时)毕竟是可用的,非贷款的联邦财政援助,如 federal Pell grant, has been applied to an account.

如果佩尔助学金足以支付所有学费,这可能导致零奖励 指控. 如果没有足够的国家拨款,可以减少偿还的数额.

  • 已完成的课程将获得报销,包括补习课程。 被分配了一个标准分数,这是机构所要求的 the completion of the degree or certificate.
  • 为没有标准成绩的课程所支付的补偿金额 指定(放弃课程作业-在100%退款期后),包括课程作业 in a withdrawn status, will be reduced from reimbursement requests. 简而言之,你 没有顺利完成一门或多门获得A+的课程 你的A+奖励将会因为这门课(或几门课)的费用而减少 be responsible for paying the balance.
  • Repeat coursework will not be reimbursed.
  • 作为高级证书或学位的一部分的课程 of a certificate will be reimbursed if it is related to the original certificate.


为了开始注册流程,学生需要首先向正规买球app排行申请 通过完成 在线申请.


Students who have earned A+ at their high school may be eligible to pay using the +福利. 遵循以下步骤:

  1. Complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). 要获得经济援助的优先考虑,请提交您的免费申请 Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by 2月1日. 正规买球app排行的校号是002484.
  2. 报名参加课程.
  3. Select "Pay by +福利" as your payment option.

您的帐户将被暂时保留,以便您完成剩余的部分 步骤. To see your this hold, log into your my正规买球app排行KC account, and select the Student Center home button. hold箱子在右边.

  1. 要求将带有官方a +印章的最终高中成绩单发送到正规买球app排行.
  2. 要完成你的经济援助文件的其他步骤,请查看“待办事项列表”。 on your Student Center home page.
  3. 之前A+未支付的费用,请联系校园商务办公室办理 学期开始.


优先日期 A+学生的成绩与所有学生的成绩相同,如下表所示:

秋天 5月30日
春天 11月. 30
夏天 5月1日

If you do not meet the priority dates above, you will be responsible for paying tuition and fees by the 正规买球app排行费用截止日期. 你可能 如果您注册并完成财务援助和任何正规买球app排行文书工作,您将获得退款 最后的A+截止日期:

秋天 12月. 15
春天 5月15日
夏天 7月30日

未能满足这些截止日期将导致当前失去A+利益 入学期限.


A+ will not pay for a class (classes) if:

  • You enroll after the final A+ deadline.
  • 你是一名返校学生,你的累积平均绩点(GPA)低于 a 2.5.
  • 你在重复一门课——要么是为了改变成绩(F, D, C, B, a),要么是因为 previous class was dropped after the 100% refund period.
  • 你已经完成了当前项目所需学时的105% 登记.
  • You have earned a certificate or degree.
  • It has been more than 48 months since you graduated from high school.
  • You are a returning student and your completion rate is below 67%.
  • You are an initial student and your cumulative GPA is below 2.0.
  • You drop coursework while receiving +福利s; your +福利s will be reduced by the cost of the dropped course.
  • 在获得A+福利的学期中,你没有完成全日制学习. You must pay out of pocket for subsequent semesters until those hours are made up.

维护利益 for the A+ scholarship

You have worked hard in high school to earn your A+ eligibility. 维持你的 福利必须:

  • 每学期参加与学位相关的学分课程(至少12个学分) the fall and the spring semesters; six credit hours in the summer semester).
  • 保持至少2.5 cumulative grade point average (GPA).
  • Complete the free application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) each academic year.
  • Maintain a completion rate of at least 67.00%.

Complete the full-time hours each term in which you are 登记.

If you have difficulty meeting the A+ program guidelines, please ask for help! 联系 你的校园咨询/建议中心讨论我们提供的许多服务来提供帮助 你成功了.

如果你失去了A+的福利,你可以把它们拿回来. This is what you will have to do:

  • 注册下一个学期,并注册学时数(3,6,9或 12 credit hours) needed to achieve a GPA that will restore your +福利s.
  • Raise your GPA to the required cumulative 2.平均成绩5分或以上.
  • 支付你的全部学费和不合格学期的所有费用.
  • Raise your completion rate to the required 67.百分之百或更高.
  • 如果你没有完成全职工作,你必须成功地把这些时间补上 在你再次有资格获得a +福利之前,在下一个学期成功完成学业.

+奖学金 grade calculation


We keep your official academic record, which 包括 以下几点:

  1. 目录信息,你注册的所有课程的列表,成绩和分数 对于这些课程,你已经尝试和获得的学时数是累积的 GPA, honors earned, and the degrees or the certificates awarded.
  2. 你的学位计划.
  3. Your high school transcript and transcripts from other colleges.

只有正规买球app排行的教职员工才有权查看学生档案 开展高校业务.


看看你的成绩 my正规买球app排行KC. Once there, click on "grades" under academic history in the academic section of 你的学生中心. This is the only way to view your grades; grades will not be 寄给你. To see your transcript, go to the "Other 学者" drop down box, and select "Unofficial Transcripts."


The point values for letter grades:

A - 4
B - 3
C - 2
D - 1
F - 0
W (withdrawal), S(satisfactory), U(unsatisfactory), P(passing) or Au(audit) - 0


To determine your GPA, here is a convenient 计算器 你可以用.

要自己动手,将每门课程的学时数乘以分数 (A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0) earned for that grade. Add the total for all classes together and then divide that by the total number of credit hours.

不包括你收到W, P, I, S, U或Au的课程,如果重复 课程已经重复或 any college course work completed while in high school***.

***双重信用 以及所有大学课程成绩,包括AP, IB, CLEP和双录取课程 在高中期间获得的成绩不能应用于你的A+ GPA来确定你是否有资格获得A+ 的好处.


校园 建筑 电话 电子邮件
正规买球app排行-Blue河 教育中心,134室 816.604.1000 br.advisor@adapstar.com
正规买球app排行-Longview 校园中心,210室 816.604.1000 lv.advisor@adapstar.com
正规买球app排行-Maple森林 Administration 建筑, Rm 108 816.604.1000 mw.advisor@adapstar.com
正规买球app排行-Penn谷 学生招生中心 816.604.1000 pv.advisor@adapstar.com